Professional Activities
And whoever puts their trust in Allah, then He ˹alone˺ is sufficient for them
Quran | Surah At-Talaq | 65:3
Year | Event |
1959 | Attended 50th Anniversary Convention of the Special Libraries Association, Atlantic City, June 1-3, 1959 as a representative of the Pakistan Library Association. — Attended the American Library Association, Chicago. |
1959, 1963-1969 | Member, American Library Association, Chicago, while in USA. |
1960 | Participated, in UNESCO Seminar on Development of Libraries in South Asia, Delhi October 3-14, 1960 as an observer on behalf of the Pakistan Library Association. |
1961-62 | Member, International Committee for the 71 st Birthday Ranganthan Commemorative Volume, Varanasi (India). |
1963 | Delivered lectures to the students of Departments of Library Science at the University of Nagpur and Banaras Hindu University and DRTC Bangalore — Members of the Librarians Club, Nagpur and U.P. Library Association (Varanasi Branch) in July 1963 |
1966 | Attended the American Library Association Conference, Chicago, July 10-16, 1966. |
1967 | Attended the IFLA Conference, Toronto, 1967. |
1968 | Participated in the 1968 National Library Week celebrations in Providence (Rhode Island) as an international guest visitor between April 21-27, 1968. — Attended the American Library Association Conference, Kansas City, July 10-16-1968 |
1970 | Resource member (on Pakistan) of the ALA Equivalence Committee on Library Education, Chicago (U.S.A). |
1972-1976 | Member, International Advisory Board, ‘Journal of Library History’, Tallahassee, Florida. (U.S.A). |
1976-1978 | Chairman, IFLA’s Sub-group on South Asia. |
1976-1989 | Member, Advisory Board of Contributing Consultants, ‘International Library Review’, London (U.K) |
1977 | Participated in IFLA/UNESCO pre-session Seminar for librarians from developing countries, Antwerp, Belgium, August 30-September 4, 1977 and read a paper — Attended IFLA World Congress (50th anniversary meeting), Brussels, September 5-10, 1977. |
1978-1985 | Member, International Association of Orientalist Librarians. |
1980 | Delivered lecture to the students of the Department of Library Science at the University of Nagpur (India) in January 1980. |
1981 | Member, Editorial Board, Library Progress (International), Modinagar India. |
1982 | Member, Editorial Board, ‘International Information, Communication and Education (INICAE)’, Lucknow (India) |
1985 | Participated in International Conference on Ranganathan’s Philosophy Assessment, Impact and Relevance, New Delhi, November 11-14, 1985; read a paper and presided over the Session on ‘Library Movement’ on November 13, 1985. — Attended Second Regional Conference of FID Committee on Classification Research (FID/CR), New Delhi, November 15 1985. — Delivered lecture to the students of the Department of Library Science at the Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi (India) on November 16, 1985. |
1986 | Participated in the 2nd Congress of Muslim Librarians and Information Scientists (COMLIS) organized by COMLIS on the theme Access to Information in the Muslim World, Jitra, Kedah, Malaysia, October 20-22, 1986; read a paper and presided over its session on ‘Towards Islamic Foundation for Librarianship and Information Services’, October 20, 1986. — Member of the Congress of Muslim Librarians and Information Scientists, Jitra, Kedah, Malaysia. |
1988 | Member, Advisory Committee/ Panel of Experts, International Library & Information Centre, Delhi (India). |
1989 | Attended the American Library Association Conference, Dallas, Texas, June 24-29, 1989. |
1990 | Member, International Advisory Board of Specialists (editor) to Third World Libraries, Chicago (U.S.A). |
1992 | Attended IFLA Pre-Conference Seminar New Delhi 27-28 August 1992 held on Indo-American Library Education and read a paper — Attended ILFA General Conference 30 Aug — 5 Sept 1942, New Delhi. |
1995 | Member, ALA Country Resources Panel for Pakistan, Chicago, Illinois. |
2003 | International Encyclopedia of LISc., ed. by John Feather and Paul Sturges, 2nd revised. London: Routledge, May 2003, “Fruitable & agreeable of experiences of my life”. This Vol. to celebrate 20 Anniversary: a profitable collaboration and the author Anis Khurshid contributed a revised updated version an article on “South Asia (pp592-600). The chief editor John Feather personally presents |
Year | Event |
1957 | Founder Member, Pakistan Library Association. Honorary Life Member Since 1979. |
1957-1958 | Founder Chairman, Karachi University Library Science Alumni Association. (KULSAA). |
1958-1962 | Editor, Pakistan Library Review, an official organ of KULSAA. |
1960 | Convener and Member of Citizens Committee appointed by PLA for a UNESCO assisted Pilot Public Library Project. |
1960-1961 | Assistant Secretary, Pakistan Library Association. — Convener and Member of the National Committee for Cataloguing of Pakistani Names, appointed by PLA. — Assistant Editor, Quarterly Journal of Pakistan Library Association. |
1961 | Instructor at the PLA-Jamia Institute of Education Certificate Course in Library Science. — Instructor at the Certificate Course in Librarianship organized by the Karachi Library Association. |
1961-1962 — 1970-1973 | Secretary, Pakistan Library Association. — Organized its three annual conferences Lahore (1961), Karachi (1971) and Saidu Sharif (1973). |
1962 | Started first Master’s course in Library Science in Pakistan at the University of Karachi. |
1962-1965 | Regional Editor, Pakistan National Bibliography (1947-61). — Assistant Secretary, University Studies, Karachi University. |
1963 | Participated in the National Book Centre of Pakistan Seminar on Development of Professional Association in the Field of Reading Materials, Karachi, March 11-14 1963 as head of the PLA delegation and read a paper. — Participated in the PANSDOC Symposium on Development of Scientific and Technical Libraries in Pakistan, Karachi, March 14-16, 1963. |
1964 | Secretary of the Symposium on an Ideal University, organized by the Old Students Association of the Karachi University, Karachi, April 1964 — Participated in the All Pakistan Urdu Tadris Conference, Karachi, June 1964, and read a paper. |
1971 | Inaugurated the KMC Baldia Zahid Library, PIB Colony, Karachi. |
1972 | Participated in the Symposium on Education Policy and Libraries in Sind organized by the Sind Library Association, Karachi Division and delivere4d a lecture, Karachi Dec. 28, 1972. |
1972-1973 | Technical Chairman, UNESCO sponsored survey on reading habits in Pakistan. |
1973 | Panelist in each of the two seminars organized by Pakistan National Centre, Karachi in Jan. 1973. — Presided over the Concluding session (on April 27, 1973) of a 3-day Seminar on Academic Libraries organized by the America Center, Karachi. — Inaugurated a short-term library course organized by the Ismailia Association Karachi, 5 May 1973. — Inaugurated the KMC Baldia Sadiq Library, Liquatabad, Karachi, 9 May 1973. |
1973-1977 | Member, Standing Committee of Sind Educational Council on Libraries etc., appointed by the Government of Sind. |
1974 | Attended the SPIL Seminar on Library Development in Pakistan, Karachi, April 1 1, 1974 and led a discussion on public libraries, in one of its sessions in Karachi. — Participated as a speaker in the book launching ceremony of Dr. Mahmud Husain’s book ‘ Of libraries and librarians’ organized by the Pakistan National Centre, Karachi, November 2 1974. |
1974-1976 | Advisor, Pakistan Bibliographical Working Group, Karachi. |
1974-1978 | Member, Standing Committee on Public Library appointed by the Karachi Metropolitan Corporation. |
1975 | Participated in a National Seminar on Role of documentation in educational research, organized by the Bureau of Education, Islamabad, August 22-27, 1975, and read a paper. — Presided over the Certificate Distribution Ceremony of the School of Librarianship, Pakistan Bibliographical Working Group, Karachi, November 22, 1975. |
1976 | Participated in a Symposium on Islamic libraries organized by the Pakistan National Council, Karachi, March 9, 1979, and delivered a lecture. — Presided over a lecture discussion programme led by Dr. Carl W Hintz on American librarianship organized by the American Center, Karachi, April 19, 1976. |
1977 | Participated in PLA Sind Region Seminar on Problem of Libraries and Librarians in Sind, Karachi, August 15, 1977, and a delivered a lecture. |
1978 | Moderated a panel discussion on books, libraries and national development, organized by the American Center, Karachi, April 2, 1978. |
1979 | Participated in a Symposium in memory of Dr. Mahmud Husain, organized by PLA, Karachi, April 30, 1978, and delivered a lecture. — Presided over the General Session of PLA 11th Conference, Islamabad, October 18, 1979. |
1979-1980 | Chairman, UGC Curriculum Revision Committee on Library Science. |
1980-1981 | Member, Advisory Committee, Bureau of Composition, Compilation and Translation University of Karachi. |
1980-1983 | Member, UGC Study Group on University Libraries. |
1980-1987 | Local Director, UGC — British Council University librarians course – Islamabad, 5-7 July 1980. – Lahore, March 20 – April 17, 1983. – Karachi, August 16- September 4, 1984. – Islamabad, March 29- April – 27, 1986. – Islamabad, March 22- April 8, 1987. |
1981 | Member, Federal Ministry of Education Advisory Committee on Libraries. — Chairman, Curriculum Committee for intermediate Course in Library Science. — Participated in the National Book Council of Pakistan Seminar on Problems of publication in national and regional languages, Hyderabad, May-June, 1981, and read a paper. — Organized Silver Jubilee Celebrations of the Development of Library Science during August 10-17, 1981. — Presided over the PASTIC’s concluding Session of a 2-day symposium on strategy and impact of information on the scientific and technological development, Karachi, April 19, 1981. — Participated in a Mag Show on reading habits and libraries published in MAG, October 1-7, 1981, (pp 12-15). |
1981-1982 1984-1986 | Delivered lecture on research paper writing to the students of PN Staff College, Karachi in July each year. |
1982 | Participated in a Seminar on book piracy in the developing countries: my point of view, organized by the American Center, Karachi, April 13, 1982. |
1982-1983 | Instructor at the UGC training programme for college librarians from interior of Sind, Karachi, December 21, 1982 to January 1, 1983. |
1982-1984 | Chairman, Technical Working Group of Survey of Public Library Facilities in Pakistan. |
1983 | Participated in a Mag Show on public libraries published in MAG August 11-17, 18-24, 1983; pp. 32, 46-47 & 30-31, 46-47 respectively. — Organized and moderated a Seminar on National System of Public Libraries for Pakistan, Karachi, September 3-4, 1983. |
1983-1986 | Member, National Advisory Committee on Library & Information Services & Chairman of its Technical Sub-Committee. |
1984-1990 | Member, Library Committee, University of Karachi. |
1984 | Participated in the Pakistan Publishers and Booksellers Association’s Seminar on Book Promotion in Pakistan, Karachi, May 16, 1984. |
1985 | Convener of a sub-committee appointed by the Vice-Chancellors Committee for preparing policy statement on losses of books in university libraries (meeting held in Islamabad on 9 January, 1985). — Participated as a speaker in the book launching ceremony of Syed Raza Ali Abidi’s book, Kutub-Khanah, organized by Saad Publications, Karachi, May 20, 1985. — Course director of a one-week programme of training for municipal librarians, organized by the Municipal Training and Research Institute, Ministry of Local Self Govt. and Rural Development, Karachi, June 29-Ju1y 4, 1985. — Instructor at UGC Science Foundation training induction programme on Information retrieval for grantees of scholarship for study abroad, Karachi, November 27-December 18, 1985. |
1986 | Delivered a lecture on the Progress of Library Science in Pakistan at the Quaid-e-Azam Library, Lahore, February 16, 1986 and at the Department of Library Science at the Punjab University on February, March 17, 1986. — Participated in a 2-day seminar organized by the Liaquat Memorial Library on Library Science in developed countries, Karachi, September 17-18, 1986, and presided over its concluding session of September 18, 1986. — Participated as an expert in a UNESCO sponsored workshop for prototype development of innovative reading promotion campaigns at national level with the help of audiovisual experts, organized by the National Book Council of Pakistan, Karachi, October 7-8, 1986. — Delivered a lecture to the students of the PAF Staff College, Karachi on the art of writing a research paper on August 6, 1986. — Presided over the American Center Symposium on the Role of libraries in a developing society, Karachi, March 17, 1986 — Delivered a lecture to the students of the PAF Staff College, Karachi on the art of writing a research paper on August 6, 1986. |
1987 | Delivered a lecture on resources sharing to the Medical Librarians Workshop organized by the Aga Khan University of Health Science in cooperation with the British Council, Karachi on 9-3-1987 and acted as a Consultant to the course. — Member, Advisory Council, Children Book Academy Karachi. |
1988 | Performed Hajj. |
1988-1989 | Member, Library Committee, Hamdard University, Karachi. |
1990 | Attended Conference on Library Education in Pakistan; Problems and Prospects, Nov. 3-5, 1990 on the eve of Diamond Jubilee Celebration of the Dept. of Library Science, University of the Punjab; read a paper and preceded over a session on Nov. 4, 1990. — Presented a paper in the National Seminar on Quaid-e-Azam Islamabad, 28-29 July, 1990 (Bibliographical Accessibility of Material on Quaid-e-Azam) |
1990-1991 | Member, Board of Studies, Library & Information Science, Islamia University , Bahawalpur. |
1991 | Delivered a key-note address in the inauguration session of the 14th Annual Conference of PLA on Importance of Library Legislation, Karachi, 7-9 March 1991; Chief guest in its session on public libraries on 8 March 1991; panellist on the session on library education on 9 March; and presided over the concluding session on 9 March 1991 — Gallup expert and Consultant to the Asia Foundation, Survey of Books for Asia programme, conducted by Gallup Pakistan, Islamabad, May 1991. |
1992 | Presented a paper on ” Curriculum Development in Pakistan with Special Reference to Information Science and Information Technology’ in the IFLA Pre-Conference Indo U.S. Seminar on Library and Information Education, New Delhi, 30 August – 5 September 1992. |
1993 | Member, Review Committee, Library Science Curriculum for Intermediate, Federal Ministry of Education. — Presided over the first session of the First Library Seminar on Academic Libraries at the Threshold of the 21st Century, Karachi University, 27 January 1993 and the concluding session on 28 January 1993. — Delivered a lecture on ” Writing and Documentation of a Research Paper” in a week workshop organized by the Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai Chair at the University of Karachi on June 19, 1993. — Inaugurated the 2nd Pakistan Library Science Conference on the Improvement of Pedagogical Skills in the Teaching of Library and Information Science Skills in Pakistan, Baragali, 2-5 July 1993, on July 2, 1993 and presided over its 1st session on Role and Prospects of Audio-visual Materials in the Teaching of Library Science on July 2, 1993. — Member, Sindh Archives Advisory Committee, Sindh Govt. Karachi. |
1994 | Member Hamdard Majlis-e-Shura. |
1996 | Member Executive Committee, Dr. Ishtraj Hussain Qureshi Academy, Karachi. |
1999 | Chief Guest, Panel Discussion on Role of Librarians in the New Millennium organized by during the UK Publisher Book Exhibition on 3rd December, 1999. |