Our Lord! Grant us the good of this world and the Hereafter, and protect us from the torment of the Fire.
Quran | Surah Al-Baqarah | 2:201
Quran | Surah Al-Baqarah | 2:201

Recipient of Fulbright-Asia Foundation Scholarship for higher study in the United States on study leave, Pakistan.

Cash award of Rs. 500 by the University of Karachi on publication of Cataloguing of Pakistani Names Book

Public felicitation by the students and teachers of the Department of Library Science at the University of Karachi followed by the members of Pakistan Bibliographical Working Group in March 1976 on appointment as Chairman of IFLA’s Sub-group for South Asia

Cash award of Rs. 250 by the University of Karachi on research publication

Conferment of Honorary Life Membership of the Pakistan Library Association

Award of PLA Silver Jubilee Gold Medal in the 12 annual conference of the Pakistan Library Association held in Peshawar

Presentation of Shields on the eve of retirement: By the teachers of the Department of Lib. & Inf. Sc. In March 1986.
By the participants of University Grants Commission Librarians Course. in April 1986
Karachi University Teachers Society in October 1986

Professional Staff of Dr. Mahmud Husain Library in August 1986.

Wasiqah-e-A’teraf presented in Sham-e-Hamdard on August 13 1992. read on paper on ‘Ekiswin Sadi mayn ketab ka mustaqbel’, Urdu

Award of a shield in the First Library Seminar on the Academic Libraries on the Threshold of the 21st Century, Karachi University.

PLA Lahore Conference Shield presented.

President’s Award for Pride of Performance on Library and Information Science
A reception was also held earlier by the Sindh Youth Council and a resolution felicitating him on the Award was passed in Hamdard Majles Shura on 13th September 1996.
A reception was held later in October by the Unikrian in Karachi.

Presentation of Shield for Pride of Performance in a reception held by Library Friends Karachi on 16th November 1996.

International man of the year selected by the International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England.

16th PLA Conference Islamabad, 25th – 26th November 1997 shield.

Dept. of LISc. Karachi University “Pakistan Life-long Achievement Shield”, in September 2006