Dr. Anis Khurshid
As Seen by His Colleagues, Friends, Relatives and Students
1) Ahmed, Ikram. Dr. Anis Khurshid: shakhsiyat kay a’inay main (Urdu translation – Anis Khurshid: personality and image, in, Making of librarianship in Pakistan: presentation volume to Prof Dr. Anis Khurshid; edited by Syed Jalaluddin Haider. Karachi: Bureau of Composition, Compilation & Translation, University of Karachi, 1987: 78-88)
2) Asheim, Lester. Anis Khurshid: an appreciation, in, Making of librarianship in Pakistan, 1987, p.11-13
3) Ajmal, Shafique. Naujawanon ke liye mashal-e-rah (Urdu translation – Guide for the youth)
4) Chishti, Muhammad Abdul Haleem. Prof. Dr. Anis Khurshid: ilme kutubkhana ka Pakistan main ek namwar muhaqqiq (Urdu translation – Prof. Dr. Anis Khurshid a renowned research scholar of Library science in Pakistan) in, Making of librarianship in Pakistan 1987, p.70-77.
5) Dictionary of International biography, vol. 12, 1976: pt 1, p. 500; vol. 13, 1977: pt. 1, p.453.
6) Dr. Anis Khurshid in the eyes of others, in, Professor Dr. Anis Khurshid: Sadarti Tamgha Barai Husn-e-Karkardagi: swanehi tareekh kajaiza (Urdu translation – Professor Dr. Anis Khurshid: President’s Award for Pride of Performance: a biographical review). Karachi: Mazhar Jamil, pp. 166-214.
7) Ek aur charagh bujh gaya: Dr. Anis Khurshid bhi rukhsat ho gai (Urdu translation – Another lamp went off: Dr. Anis Khurshid passed away). Daily Islam 19 January 2008.
8) Farooqui, Fazlullah. Professor Dr. Anis Khurshid (Urdu), in, Making of librarianship in Pakistan 1987: p.64-69.
9) Feather, John. Dr. Anis Khurshid: a view from England, in, Making of librarianship in Pakistan 1987: p.20-21.
10) Ghazi, Anwar. Aafia Book 2nd edition Ch. 12 Aafia and Library Science, p147-150 and Ch. 13 Aafia ka Zarqa-e-Mutala, p.153-160.
11) International who’s who in community service, 1973-74. London: Edison Press, 1974, p.471.
12) Jackson, William Vernon. Anis Khurshid and the International Library Information Center, in, Making of librarianship in Pakistan 1987, p.14-17.
13) Jalalpuri, Moulana Syed Ahmad. Dr. Anis Khurshid ki Rehlat weekly khatam-Nabuwat, Jan 2008.
14) Jamil, Mazhar. Man of International fame Jan 2013.
15) Jamil, Mazhar. Dr. Anis Khurshid (Pride of performance) (Urdu) Ek Roshan Sitara, Daily Express (All editions Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi) Dec 21, 2012.
16) Jamil, Mazhar. Dr. Anis Khurshid ilm ka Roshan chirag, Daily Islam, Jan 5, 2011. [Read the article from below section or Click Here]
17) Karachi: Library pioneer Prof Khurshid passes away Dawn. 15 Jan 2008.
18) Khan, Moinuddin. In memoriam: passing of a legend. Dawn 24 Feb. 2008. [Read the article from below section or Click Here]
19) Khan, Safder Ahmad Prof, Dr. Anis Khurshid ka Mission, Daily Islam, Jan 2021.
20) Khan, Safdar Ahmed, Professor Dr. Anis Khurshid: a raushan chiragh tha, na raha (Urdu translation – A luminous lamp as he was, but lives no more) Daily Islam 23 Jan, 2010.
21) Khan, Safdar Ahmed, Professor Dr. Anis Khurshid marhoom (Urdu translation – The late Anis Khurshid) Daily Jang – 19 Jan 2009. [Read the article from below section or Click Here]
22) Khurshid, Bashiruddin, Dr. Anis Khurshid, in, Sarpanch (Head of Panchayat) Mohammad Khurshid Haq: unke a’ba-o-ajdad ka sawnehi aur tarikhijaiza, (Urdu translation – a biographical and historical review of his ancestors compiled by Bashiruddin Khurshid. Karachi: R-17, Pioneer Cottages, University Road, 2010.
23) Khurshid, Kamruddin. Anis Khurshid: mera bhai, mera ideal (Urdu translation – My brother, my ideal), in, Making of librarianship in Pakistan, 1987, p.97-101.
24) Khurshid, Kamruddin, Anis Khurshid: CP ka ek moti. (Urdu translation – Anis Khurshid: a pearl of CP (Central Provinces, India), in Khurshid, Anis, CP Ke Moti (Pearls of CP) Karachi: Shafique Ajmal, 2011. p.7-10.
25) Khurshid, Saleem A. Sunhaereh Loag, Sunday Express Magazine, March 2, 2008. [Read the article from below section or Click Here]
26) Khurshid, Zahiruddin. Anis Khurshid: a bio-bibliographic study, in, Library and information services in developing countries: a Festschrift for Anis Khurshid; edited by Mumtaz A. Anwar, Abdus Sattar Chaudhry, Mohammad Saleh J. Ashoor Lahore: Library and Information Management Academy, 1993, p.1-21.
27) Khurshid, Zahiruddin, Dr. Anis Khurshid and his impact on international librarianship Pakistan Link 26 November 2010. Read the article here – https://www.pakistanlink.org//Commentary/2010/Nov10/26/01.HTM
28) Khurshid, Zahiruddin. The Pioneers: Anis Khurshid (1924-2008). World Libraries no.1 (2010). Available at –http://www.worlib.org/vol18noI/khurshidprint_v18nI.shtml
29) Library and information services in developing countries: a Festschrift for Anis Khurshid; edited by Mumtaz A. Anwar, Abdus Sattar Chaudhry, Mohammad Saleh J. Ashoor Lahore: Library and Information Management Academy, 1993.
30) Lutfi, Abdul Qayyum, Mere ustad, mere mohsin (My teacher, my mentor): Dr. Anis Khurshid, Daily Ummat – 25 December 2008. [Read the article from below section or Click Here]
31) Mahmood, Khalid and Shafiq-ur-Rehman, Contributions of Dr. Anis Khurshid to library literature: a bibliometric study. Available at – http://pu.edu.pk/images/iournal/pjlis/Current%2Olssue/pj lis-10-mahmood.pdf
32) Making of librarianship in Pakistan: presentation volume to Prof. Dr. Anis Khurshid; edited by Syed Jalaluddin Haider. Karachi: Bureau of Composition, Compilation & Translation, University of Karachi, 1987.
33) Mirm, Abdul Hameed. Library leadership, PULSAA News 9 (June-Dec 1997): p.8
34) Moreland, Carroll C. Anis Khurshid: an appreciation, in, Making of librarianship in Pakistan, 1987, p.18-19
35) Murtuza, Matinur Rehman, Professor Dr. Anis Khurshid marhoom (Urdu translation – The late Dr. Anis Khurshid). [Read the article from below section or Click Here]
36) Mushahir-e-ahle ilm ke ta’assurat (Urdu translation – Condolence messages of famous scholars on the death of Anis Khurshid Islam 26 January 2008)
37) Naqvi, Jamil. Hum ne dekha jalwai Khurshid-e-taban ka farogh (Urdu translation – We saw the glittering face of the rising sun), in, Making of librarianship in Pakistan, 1987. p.34-38.
38) Professor Dr. Anis Khurshid ki Urdu zaban men tahrir karda nigarishat ki fehrist (Urdu translation – A list of Dr. Anis Khurshid’s works in Urdu language) Islam. 19 January 2008.
39) Qadre gauhar shah danad ya danad jauhri: professor Dr. Anis Khurshid doosron ki nazar men (Urdu translation – Only the king and the jeweler know the value of diamond: Dr. Anis Khurshid in the eyes f others), in, Reyazuddin, Syed. Professor Dr. Anis Khurshid-e-Sadarti Tamgha Barai Husn-e-Karkardagi. swanehi tareekh kajaiza (Urdu translation – Professor Dr. Anis Khurshid: President’s Award for Pride of Performance: a biographical review). Karachi: Mazhar Jamil, 2008, pp. 166-214.
40) Qureshi, Naimuddin. The contribution of Dr. Anis Khurshid, in Making of librarianship in Pakistan, 1987, p.22-24.
41) Qureshi, Naimuddin. Khurshid, Anis, 1926, in, World encyclopedia of library and information services, by Robert Wedgeworth 2nd ed. Chicago: ALA, 1986, p.419-420.
42) Reyazuddin, Syed. Professor Dr. Anis Khurshid: Sadarti Tamgha Barai Husn-e -Karkardagi: swanehi tareekh kajaiza (Urdu translation – Professor Dr. Anis Khurshid. President’s Award for Pride of Performance: a biographical review). Karachi: Mazhar Jamil, 2008
43) Reyazuddin, Syed. Dr. Anis Khurshid is Ranganathan of Pakistan, in, Making of librarianship in Pakistan, 1987. p.25-34.
44) Saad, Ibrahim. Batain kutubkhanon ki aur zikr Dr. Anis Khurshid ka (About libraries and Dr. Anis Khurshid), in Making oflibrarianship in Pakistan, 1987. p.93-96.
45) Saad, Ismail. Professor Dr. Anis Khurshid, in, Making of librarianship in Pakistan, 1987. p.89-92.
46) Saad, Ismail. Dr. Anis Khurshid ne fann-e-kitabdari ko ebadat bana liya hay (Urdu translation – Anis Khurshid considers the library science profession as a form of worship) Akhbare Khawateen 3-9 April 1976, p.32.
47) Saifi, Zafar Saeed. Harfe aqeedat, Dr. Anis Khurshid (Urdu translation – A tribute to Anis Khurshid), in Khurshid, Anis, CP Ke Moti (Pearls ofCP) Karachi: Shafique Ajmal, 2011. p.13-15.
48) Saifi, Zafar Saeed. Dr. Anis Khurshid marhoom (Urdu translation – The late Dr. Anis Khurshid). Daily Jang – 19 Jan 2010. [Read the article from below section or Click Here]
49) Shaikhupuri, Mohammad Aslam, Qabil-e-fakhr walid, qabil-e-rashk aulad (Urdu translation – Proud father and envied children)
50) Trends in international librarianship: a Festschrift honouring Anis Khurshid; edited by Naimuddin Qureshi and Zahiruddin Khurshid. Karachi: Royal Book Company, 1991.
51) Who’s who in the world, 4th ed. (1978-79). Chicago: Marquis Who’s Who Inc, 1979. p.513.
52) Zubair, Mohammad. Dr. Anis Khurshid: Pakistan librarianship ke imam (Anis Khurshid. Leader of Pakistan librarianship, in, Making of librarianship in Pakistan, 1987. p.38-63.
53) 14th January 2024 | Dr Anis Khurshid | Kitabon se ishq me zindagi guzar dene wali shaksiyat | Author – Mehmood Miya Najmi [Read the article from below section or Click Here]
54) 4th January 2025 | Dr Anis Khurshid- Hayat-o-Khidmaat (dailyislam.pk) | Author – Mehmood Miya Najmi. p.3 [Read the article from below section or Click Here]