Reports & Proposals
1) Annual Report, 1960-62 of Pakistan Library Association (PLA), In Proceedings of the 4th Annual Conference, Lahore December 26-29, 1961 ed. By Anis Khurshid, Karachi Pakistan Library Association PLA, 1962, pp.27-32.
2) Annual Report 1970 (of PLA), In, Pakistan Librarianship 1970-71, the proceedings of the 8th annual conference held at Karachi, Jan. 22-24, 1971. ed, By Anis Khurshid, Karachi PLA, 1972, pp.15-22.
3) Annual Report 1971-72 (of PLA), In, Pakistan Librarianship 1972-73, the proceedings of the 9th annual conference, Saidu Sharif, August 4-5, 1973; ed. By Anis Khurshid. Karachi PLA, 1973
4) Memorandum to the government-appointed Services Re-organization Committee on behalf of the Pakistan Library Association. PLA Newsletter 2(March 1970), pp.2-9.st 4-5, 1973; ed. By Anis Khurshid. Karachi PLA, 1973
5) Public library facilities in Pakistan: a survey by the author as Chairman of the Technical Working Group, appointed by the Govt. of Pakistan. Islamabad: Dept. of Libraries, Ministry of Education, Govt. of Pakistan, 1985/257, ccxxxii p.
6) Report of the Library Science Department, 1971-72. Karachi: Dept. of Lib. Sc., Univ. of Karachi, 1973. 11p. mimeo.
7) Report of the Library Science Department, 1972-73. Karachi: Dept. of Lib. Sc., Univ. of Karachi, 1974. l0p. mimeo.
8) A report on seven KMC libraries, submitted to the Karachi Metropolitan Corporation. Karachi, 1975. 17p. mimeo
9) Survey of books for Asia recipient institutions. Islamabad: Gallup Pakistan for TAF, 1991. 47p.
10) What children read – a survey. Karachi: National Book Council of Pakistan, 1976. 61p. books for Asia recipient institutions. Islamabad: Gallup Pakistan for TAF, 1991. 47p.
11) A summary in Urdu in Kitabl 1 (April 1977), pp. 33-30